The Undead Plague

Official home of the Undead Plague series

Allow me to set the stage.

The absolutely unthinkable has happened.  For years, something as incomprehensible as the zombie apocalypse has been nothing more than genre fiction and a concept spawned from a lot of movies (both good and bad).  Now, though, somehow it has become a reality.  Somehow, someway, the undead have become a reality.  This plague is spreading across the world faster than it can be controlled, and with no cure or vaccine in sight, it's only a matter of time before all of humanity is consumed by the living dead.

The Undead Plague series begins with the book Zombies by the Numbers: The Writer's Cut.  This novel features a man known as James Pool, a convicted serial killer that suddenly finds himself able to ply his craft on the undead without accountability or consequences.  Zombies by the Numbers is a deliberate attempt to blur the line between horror and humor; it even goes so far as to completely ignore the Fourth Wall, as James interacts with the reader in a variety of ways.

The manuscript for this book has been completed and is currently being shopped around to agents.  I'm hoping it have it picked up and edited to an agent's liking by the end of the year, so if you happen to know of an agent that is looking for something completely off the beaten path, I'd appreciate it if you send him/her/it my way.

In a blatant attempt at promotion for Zombies by the Numbers, I'm opening up blogs that are written by some of the main characters in the Undead Plague series (well, technically I'm the one actually doing the writing, of course, but it's done in-character).  The first of the blogs, The Word of Mitch, is currently up and running here.  Sample chapters from the book itself will also be made available shortly.

So what's in the future for the Undead Plague series?  The story is going to be told from the perspective of many different people; so far, two more books have been outlined, one from a Special Forces operative and the other from the infamous and yet oh-so-lovable Mitch the Zombie.  I've recently begun taking notes for a sequel to Zombies by the Numbers involving James, too, so that's at least three more books with no end in sight.

I can't wait to see where this takes us over the coming years.  One thing is for certain, though: it's going to be a strange ride.


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